This blog features portions of my not yet published poems.

why write?

I have to write what I hear in my head, what I dream in my sleep, what my bones ache to express.

My poems tell stories of strength, love, regret, disobedience, loss, hope, redemption, and whatever whispers.

—Cindy B. Stevens

Longleaf Press publication

A Path to Freedom –
A North Carolina Anthology in Honor of Military Veterans
two of my poems are included in this Anthology:
“no return war”
November 2024.

My first collection of poetry, Naked, is available at:

This collection is also available at two local bookstores:

Purple Crow Books, Hillsborough, NC

The Regulator Bookshop, Durham, NC

More of my poems appear in:

The Phoenix, Issues 60 and 61, (Pheiffer University Literary Journal)
Heron Clan VI, VII, and VIII, (Katherine James Books)

28 July 2018

a booster

The other day, I was scheduled for a booster vaccine and had to fill out a form listing drug allergies, medical issues, etc., so, I named my disease.  The pharmacist led the way to the private room and we chatted for a few minutes.  She said, “Oh, I love your shoes!” Then, she asked about my disease.  After a brief discussion, she said that I looked good.  We agreed that this is a sneaky one, and sometimes it helps to look good even when you feel awful.  She said that pretty shoes and lipstick help.  I have an idea for a new poem.

© 27 July 2018
Cindy B. Stevens

15 July 2018

a snippet

OCD bubbles my veins . . .

I don't know where this one will take me

stay tuned

© 15 July 2018
Cindy B. Stevens

05 July 2018

Grandma's spoon

I have a routine, ritual perhaps, when I write at home, in my study.  I put my grandma’s spoon, the one she received in 1910 when she turned 16 (it’s engraved with the date on the back and her name on front, Maude), into a mug that I’ve pulled from the cupboard, and brew a hot drink.  Now, I’m ready.  I created a document on my Mac titled “one-liners, snippets, starters, & titles”.  If I don’t feel inclined to work on a poem already in progress, I skim through this document and see if anything grabs my attention.  I currently have stuff sitting in the document dating back to 2012, waiting for me to recognize that it would happily pair with something I’ve put in there more recently.  Most of the time, I’m surprised and excited with the discovery, and write until my attention wanes.  Sometimes, I sit at my desk and look out the window into the woods.

© 5 July 2018
Cindy B. Stevens
