This blog features portions of my not yet published poems.

why write?

I have to write what I hear in my head, what I dream in my sleep, what my bones ache to express.

My poems tell stories of strength, love, regret, disobedience, loss, hope, redemption, and whatever whispers.

—Cindy B. Stevens

Longleaf Press publication

A Path to Freedom –
A North Carolina Anthology in Honor of Military Veterans
two of my poems are included in this Anthology:
“no return war”
November 2024.

My first collection of poetry, Naked, is available at:

This collection is also available at two local bookstores:

Purple Crow Books, Hillsborough, NC

The Regulator Bookshop, Durham, NC

More of my poems appear in:

The Phoenix, Issues 60 and 61, (Pheiffer University Literary Journal)
Heron Clan VI, VII, and VIII, (Katherine James Books)

25 September 2018

a line from Jack's next novel . . .

I’m a character in Jack’s next novel but I’m
going to sleep all day

© Cindy B. Stevens
21 August 2018

#sleep #novel #BeWriting #AmWriting #AmEditing #Bookworm #BookLove #Dream #IloveWriting #LoveWriting #Inspiration #IGpoetry #Poet #Poetry #PoetryBlog #PoetryBlogger #PoetryBlogpost #PoetLife #PoetryLover #WritersOfInstagram #WritersOfIG #WritersCommunity #WritersCorner #Wordsmith #WritersNetwork #Write #Writing #Local #HillsboroughNC #OrangeCounty

21 September 2018

I LOVE this piece by John Walker on friendship:

LOVE this piece by John Walker on friendship:

“With the falling of the leaves, the masks of green are stripped off the hillsides revealing the diversity and uniqueness of each ridge and valley, rock and stream, old shed and oil well hither to unseen.  It is in the winter, when the hills bare their innermost selves, that we get to know them.  Then in the spring, when the masks return, we can look at the hills as old friends few others understand.

So it is with people.  Most of the time we wear our masks.  But during the difficult times, during the winters of our lives, we shed the facades and reveal all the intricacies of the unique beings we are.  It is in these moments that friendships are formed, and we experience one another as few ever will.”

#JohnWalker #Winter #Mask #Friend #Friend #Friendship #Reveal #Unique #BeWriting #AmWriting #BookLover #BookLove #Dream #Dreams #IloveWriting #LoveWriting #Inspiration #IGpoetry #Poet #Poetry #PoetryBlog #PoetryBlogger #PoetryBlogpost #PoetLife #PoetryLover #Local #HillsboroughNC  #Hillsborough #NC #OrangeCounty

16 September 2018

waiting . . .

How I feel about waiting depends on what I’m waiting for; sometimes I’m impatient, sometimes resigned, sometimes I ask, “Lord, how much longer?” I wait for inspiration and insight, which come in bits and pieces through every day occurrences, contemplation, God’s creations . . . ; I wait for the time when my thoughts and insights make their way from my pen to page. Sometimes, I feel ungrounded. © Cindy B. Stevens 7 September 2018 #Wait #Waiting #Impatient #Impatience #Insight #Daily #Contemplation #Thought #BeWriting #AmWriting #BookLover #BookLove #Dream #Dreams #IloveWriting #LoveWriting #Inspiration #IGpoetry #Poet #Poetry #PoetryBlog #PoetryBlogger #PoetryBlogpost #PoetLife #PoetryLover #Local #HillsboroughNC #Hillsborough #NC #OrangeCounty

11 September 2018

Golda Meir quote

“Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart don’t know how to laugh either.”–Golda Meir

#GoldaMeir #Laugh #Laughter #Weep #Heart #BeWriting #AmWriting #BookLover #BookLove #Dream #Dreams #IloveWriting #LoveWriting #Inspiration #IGpoetry #Poet #Poetry #PoetryBlog #PoetryBlogger #PoetryBlogpost #PoetLife #PoetryLover #Local #HillsboroughNC  #Hillsborough #NC #OrangeCounty

08 September 2018

sharing a portion of “residual sugar”, a poem ready for my editor:

she gets smaller each time, her back a little more fragile
who will tend the flowers on the graves when she is gone © 17 February 2018 Cindy B. Stevens #Flowers #Graves #Death #BeWriting #AmWriting #BookLover #BookLove #Dream #Dreams #IloveWriting #LoveWriting #Inspiration #IGpoetry #Poet #Poetry #PoetryBlog #PoetryBlogger #PoetryBlogpost #PoetLife #PoetryLover #Local #HillsboroughNC #Hillsborough #NC #OrangeCounty

07 September 2018

from my dream

Some of my poems come from dreams that wake me up, like one I had a couple of weeks ago.  As I wrote that particular poem, it became a song.  I’ve just finished it and want to share a line with you. I haven’t decided whether or not to read it at Nash Street Tavern, but it will be in my next book.

 . . . last night I dreamed I was married to the devil . . .

© 14 August 2018
Cindy B. Stevens

#marriage #marry #married #gown #wedding #song #music #ILoveWriting #BeWriting #AmWriting #BookLovers #BookLover #BookLove #WritersOfInstagram #WritersOfIG #WritersCommunity #WritersCorner #WritersCommunity #Inspiration #Suspense #IGpoetry #Poetry #Poet #PoetryLover #PoetryBlog #PoetryBlogger #PoetryBlogPost #Local #HillsboroughNC #OrangeCounty #NashStreetTavern #OpenMic