This blog features portions of my not yet published poems.

why write?

I have to write what I hear in my head, what I dream in my sleep, what my bones ache to express.

My poems tell stories of strength, love, regret, disobedience, loss, hope, redemption, and whatever whispers.

—Cindy B. Stevens

Longleaf Press publication

A Path to Freedom –
A North Carolina Anthology in Honor of Military Veterans
two of my poems are included in this Anthology:
“no return war”
November 2024.

My first collection of poetry, Naked, is available at:

This collection is also available at two local bookstores:

Purple Crow Books, Hillsborough, NC

The Regulator Bookshop, Durham, NC

More of my poems appear in:

The Phoenix, Issues 60 and 61, (Pheiffer University Literary Journal)
Heron Clan VI, VII, and VIII, (Katherine James Books)

30 July 2020

remember me #2

My last post contained lines from the first of a pair; so here are some lines from the second of the pair, “remember me”:


I remember
the bread
the wine
on my tongue

when birds sing my morning

when my horizon crackles fire colors

every time I breathe rain

on my tongue
the wine
the bread
I remember

© 12 June 2020
Cindy B. Stevens

#remember#rain #morning #Eucharist #Art #ArtlixirPoetry #InstaPoetry #Life #MicroPoetry #Poem #Poet #PoetsOfInstagram #PoetryCommunity #PoetryIsLife #PoetryIsNotDead #PoetryLovers #PoetryOfig #PoetryOfInstagram #PoetryPorn #PoetSociety #SpilledInk #Thoughts #Word #Write #Writer #WritersCommunity #WritersLife #WritersOfInstagram #Writing

Photo credit:  jason-blackeye-GPPAjJicemU-unsplash

24 July 2020

remember me #1

These are some lines from the first of a pair, “remember me”, which came as I listened to the litany before the Eucharist:

 # 1

how can I forget

when it’s you who holds my cries until they’re silent
when we both feel winter’s cold sting
on my skin, in my bones, my heart
when it’s you who feels my terror
when I try to starve the desperate voices in me

remember me

© 3 July 2020
Cindy B. Stevens

#remember #forget #voices #terror #Art #ArtlixirPoetry #InstaPoetry #Life #MicroPoetry #Poem #Poet #PoetsOfInstagram #PoetryCommunity #PoetryIsLife #PoetryIsNotDead #PoetryLovers #PoetryOfig #PoetryOfInstagram #PoetryPorn #PoetSociety #SpilledInk #Thoughts #Word #Write #Writer #WritersCommunity #WritersLife #WritersOfInstagram #Writing

Photo credit:  josh-applegate-ikD_o6lSNNs-unsplash

18 July 2020

I leave me


The first, third, and last stanzas of "I leave me":

my widow is a willow tree

my sunlight sparkled silk drags the ground

my greedy roots guzzle rationed water

I don’t want to break

so I refuse to bend


my scars feed my heartwood

why do I believe all men are alike?

I watch him so closely I think I hear his beard grow

I bruise him

drain us


my trunk hesitates in the doorway

I grab my shoulder bag from the hall table

lock the flat’s door

drop my key through our mail slot

I want to go away from me


© 23 July 2017

Cindy B. Stevens


#sabotage #leave #destroy #denial #Art #ArtlixirPoetry #InstaPoetry #Life #MicroPoetry #Poem #Poet #PoetsOfInstagram #PoetryCommunity #PoetryIsLife #PoetryIsNotDead #PoetryLovers #PoetryOfig #PoetryOfInstagram #PoetryPorn #PoetSociety #SpilledInk #Thoughts #Word #Write #Writer #WritersCommunity #WritersLife #WritersOfInstagram #Writing


Photo credit:  luyanan-VMa4xA4iU0k-unsplash

12 July 2020

sackcloth and ashes

Six lines from “sackcloth and ashes”:

repentance demands change
my belief?  it’s complicated
I own my sin
will the Jesus sacrifice blanket me?
will it matter how often I ask?

© 3 July 2020
Cindy B. Stevens

#bedevil #change #carnal #sacrifice #Art #ArtlixirPoetry #InstaPoetry #Life #MicroPoetry #Poem #Poet #PoetsOfInstagram #PoetryCommunity #PoetryIsLife #PoetryIsNotDead #PoetryLovers #PoetryOfig #PoetryOfInstagram #PoetryPorn #PoetSociety #SpilledInk #Thoughts #Word #Write #Writer #WritersCommunity #WritersLife #WritersOfInstagram #Writing

Photo credit:  isabella-and-louisa-fischer-JNwGMYwtKV0-unsplash

06 July 2020

no return war

Here are the first, third, and fifth stanzas of “no return war”:

when I didn’t come back from war my family grieved
they held onto hope
that my missing wasn’t a departure
that my missing was only regret to inform
whereabouts unknown

my family went through my belongings
my photos
my clothing
my mementos:  foreign stamps, coins
we don’t always know the people closest to us

my chaplain tried to help
but it’s something a family has to do
they all wondered about the small wooden box
metal hinges
a simple lock
silk lined

© 3 July 2020
Cindy B. Stevens

#war #dogtags #medal #hero #Art #ArtlixirPoetry #InstaPoetry #Life #MicroPoetry #Poem #Poet #PoetsOfInstagram #PoetryCommunity #PoetryIsLife #PoetryIsNotDead #PoetryLovers #PoetryOfig #PoetryOfInstagram #PoetryPorn #PoetSociety #SpilledInk #Thoughts #Word #Write #Writer #WritersCommunity #WritersLife #WritersOfInstagram #Writing

Photo credit:  holly-mindrup-j7RQSDAhpYI-unsplash