This blog features portions of my not yet published poems.

why write?

I have to write what I hear in my head, what I dream in my sleep, what my bones ache to express.

My poems tell stories of strength, love, regret, disobedience, loss, hope, redemption, and whatever whispers.

—Cindy B. Stevens

Longleaf Press publication

A Path to Freedom –
A North Carolina Anthology in Honor of Military Veterans
two of my poems are included in this Anthology:
“no return war”
November 2024.

My first collection of poetry, Naked, is available at:

This collection is also available at two local bookstores:

Purple Crow Books, Hillsborough, NC

The Regulator Bookshop, Durham, NC

More of my poems appear in:

The Phoenix, Issues 60 and 61, (Pheiffer University Literary Journal)
Heron Clan VI, VII, and VIII, (Katherine James Books)

30 August 2021

morning worship

a sinful sky

before dawn

birds, coyotes

muffled songs

fondle trees

my ears, my eyes




© 12 September 2020

Cindy B. Stevens

#Art #ArtlixirPoetry #DarkPoetry #IGPoetry #IGPoets #InstaPoetry #Life #LovePoetry #MicroPoetry #Poem #Poet #Poetry #PoetryCommunity #PoetryGram #PoetryIsLife #PoetryIsNotDead #PoetryLovers #PoetryOfig #PoetryOfInstagram #PoetryPorn #PoetSociety #PoetsOfInstagram #SpilledInk #VeinHeartArtisans #Wordsmith #Writer #WritersOfInstagram #Writing


Photo credit:  jr-korpa-Vg2hvfkvKQ8-unsplash

25 August 2021

General Pershing's horses

Not a poem, but something I find pretty cool.  I’m in the process of packing our home to move to our retirement home.  Culling, saving, etc.  My paternal grandfather loved to take photographs.  Here’s one of his cousin, Nicholas Davies, with General Pershing’s horses, about 1939.

24 August 2021

Edgar Boulai


I received the name “Edgar Boulai” in a dream in 2015, along with this very short scene.


Edgar Boulai


the grill wears a wound

matter of pride


my compadre nervous

pistol bullet flies wide


pierces the grill work

of Edgar Boulai


© 12 September 2020

Cindy B. Stevens


#Dream #Art #ArtlixirPoetry #DarkPoetry #IGPoetry #IGPoets #InstaPoetry #Life #LovePoetry #MicroPoetry #Poem #Poet #Poetry #PoetryCommunity #PoetryGram #PoetryIsLife #PoetryIsNotDead #PoetryLovers #PoetryOfig #PoetryOfInstagram #PoetryPorn #PoetSociety #PoetsOfInstagram #SpilledInk #VeinHeartArtisans #Wordsmith #Writer #WritersOfInstagram #Writing


Photo credit:  jonas-lavoie-levesque-Te3V0r0fYIo-unsplash

18 August 2021


I want easy

© 6 August 2021
Cindy B. Stevens

#Art #ArtlixirPoetry #DarkPoetry #IGPoetry #IGPoets #InstaPoetry #Life #LovePoetry #MicroPoetry #Poem #Poet #Poetry #PoetryCommunity #PoetryGram #PoetryIsLife #PoetryIsNotDead #PoetryLovers #PoetryOfig #PoetryOfInstagram #PoetryPorn #PoetSociety #PoetsOfInstagram #SpilledInk #VeinHeartArtisans #Wordsmith #Writer #WritersOfInstagram #Writing

Photo credit:  Max Goncharov-unsplash

12 August 2021

11,860 days

I’ve nothing after 11,860 days


papers in 

the file folder from 

the file cabinet


initial newspaper report

Algiers Point

Bermuda Street

day after newspaper details





death certificate 

a letter from me to him and Steve

a letter to him from Sam


11,860 days ago


police department contact info

a list of names

phone numbers

somebody might know things

handwritten notes

police conversations 

detective inquiries 


11,860 days



© 12 August 2021

Cindy B. Stevens

#NewOrleans #Art #ArtlixirPoetry #DarkPoetry #IGPoetry #IGPoets #InstaPoetry #Life #LovePoetry #MicroPoetry #Poem #Poet #Poetry #PoetryCommunity #PoetryGram #PoetryIsLife #PoetryIsNotDead #PoetryLovers #PoetryOfig #PoetryOfInstagram #PoetryPorn #PoetSociety #PoetsOfInstagram #SpilledInk #VeinHeartArtisans #Wordsmith #Writer #WritersOfInstagram #Writing


Photo credit:  joshua-doguet-kmnz1L1xSWU-unsplash

06 August 2021


I found this poem in my archive written during 2012 and revised this morning, before breakfast tea.


dream from 12 May 2012:  I was wandering, came across a small, neglected field, and noticed a statue in one corner.  It was a knight on his horse who had fallen over.  I tried to right the knight.  Carvings in stone surrounded the corner where he lay.  Stone carvings of the knight.  I stepped back, turned to view the field, and saw the ancient labyrinth.)



oh, labyrinth of ancient time


I walk your paths


look what I find


the knight who in your northwest curve


stands as stone


sad countenance


masked with fierce loyalty


while beneath his steed’s hooves


runes, ancient carvings speak


of pilgrims past, who long ago


walked these grassy turns


© 6 August 2021

Cindy B. Stevens


#Art #ArtlixirPoetry #DarkPoetry #IGPoetry #IGPoets #InstaPoetry #Life #LovePoetry #MicroPoetry #Poem #Poet #Poetry #PoetryCommunity #PoetryGram #PoetryIsLife #PoetryIsNotDead #PoetryLovers #PoetryOfig #PoetryOfInstagram #PoetryPorn #PoetSociety #PoetsOfInstagram #SpilledInk #VeinHeartArtisans #Wordsmith #Writer #WritersOfInstagram #Writing


Photo credit:  ryan-denny-YSqMRoEohP8-unsplash