I found this poem in my archive written during 2012 and revised this morning, before breakfast tea.
A dream from 12 May 2012: I was wandering, came across a small, neglected field, and noticed a statue in one corner. It was a knight on his horse who had fallen over. I tried to right the knight. Carvings in stone surrounded the corner where he lay. Stone carvings of the knight. I stepped back, turned to view the field, and saw the ancient labyrinth.)
oh, labyrinth of ancient time
I walk your paths
look what I find
the knight who in your northwest curve
stands as stone
sad countenance
masked with fierce loyalty
while beneath his steed’s hooves
runes, ancient carvings speak
of pilgrims past, who long ago
walked these grassy turns
© 6 August 2021
Cindy B. Stevens
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