This blog features portions of my not yet published poems.

why write?

I have to write what I hear in my head, what I dream in my sleep, what my bones ache to express.

My poems tell stories of strength, love, regret, disobedience, loss, hope, redemption, and whatever whispers.

—Cindy B. Stevens

Longleaf Press publication

A Path to Freedom –
A North Carolina Anthology in Honor of Military Veterans
two of my poems are included in this Anthology:
“no return war”
November 2024.

My first collection of poetry, Naked, is available at:

This collection is also available at two local bookstores:

Purple Crow Books, Hillsborough, NC

The Regulator Bookshop, Durham, NC

More of my poems appear in:

The Phoenix, Issues 60 and 61, (Pheiffer University Literary Journal)
Heron Clan VI, VII, and VIII, (Katherine James Books)

29 August 2018

just thinking . . .

I’ve not posted anything for a bit.  I’m still here, just quiet and thinking.

© 29 August 2018
Cindy B. Stevens

#Solitude #Thinking #Quiet #Writer #Thought #Think #iLoveWriting #Bewriting #Amwriting #BookLover #BookLove #Inspiration #IGpoetry #Poetry #Poet #PoetryLover #PoetryBlog #PoetryBlogger #PoetryBlogpost #Local #HillsboroughNC #OrangeCounty

12 August 2018

I am your bridge

old plank across open ditch
a beam
what you need
I am
your bridge

© 12 August 2018
Cindy B. Stevens
(thank you to Brian Hershberger for allowing me to use -“Not the Lion” from his album, Lay Your Hands, 2014)
#Bridge #Bridges #BrianHershberger #NotTheLion #LayYourHands #ILoveWriting #BeWriting #AmWriting #BookLover #BookLove #Inspiration #IGpoetry #Poetry #Poet #PoetryLover #PoetryBlog #PoetryBlogger #PoetryBlogPost #Local #HillsboroughNC #OrangeCounty

06 August 2018

I'm vulnerable . . .

We had a break-in at our home last week; makes me feel pretty vulnerable. Jewelry seemed to be the thief's focus. Most of my jewelry has significant sentimental value. I love rocks and have quite a collection inside our home and out. One of the first things I looked for was my rock from the Aegean Sea that my dad brought to me decades ago. I stored it in my jewelry box, but a few years back, I had it wrapped with gold wire and suspended on a black cord. I breathed a sigh of relief that the thief didn't want it. My book, Naked, focuses quite a bit on vulnerability. I'll be reading Tuesday evening (tomorrow, for those of us who aren't sure what day this is) at Nash Street Tavern's open mic, in Hillsborough; 3 poems, one touches on vulnerability. I hope you can come.

#Bewriting #Amwriting #Inspiration #IGpoetry #Poetry #Poet #Openmic #Local #Hillsboroughnc #Orangecounty Nash Street Tavern