Where the sidewalk ends is where the journey ends
Where the gold grass grows and the street just bends
Saying bye to all the people that you’ve ever met
Saying bye to all the bad things like pain violence and debt
As you walk down this road there is a feeling of sorrow
As you walk down you feel that there might be no tomorrow
But as all the bad things disappear
Life just might be no more here
So I guess without good there’s no bad
And without happy there’s no sad
People benefit from each other’s downfall
So anything you do can be someone’s end all be all
Now I don’t want to say that there’s nothing good
With so many people happy yeah you wish I could
While life is good for some, it might be bad for
Some people even have to lose brothers
The world isn’t perfect no human is either
Sometimes life can just be a brain fever
So here’s a message out to everyone;
Stay safe, live life, and just have fun.
© 2021 Elijah
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