This blog features portions of my not yet published poems.

why write?

I have to write what I hear in my head, what I dream in my sleep, what my bones ache to express.

My poems tell stories of strength, love, regret, disobedience, loss, hope, redemption, and whatever whispers.

—Cindy B. Stevens

Longleaf Press publication

A Path to Freedom –
A North Carolina Anthology in Honor of Military Veterans
two of my poems are included in this Anthology:
“no return war”
November 2024.

My first collection of poetry, Naked, is available at:

This collection is also available at two local bookstores:

Purple Crow Books, Hillsborough, NC

The Regulator Bookshop, Durham, NC

More of my poems appear in:

The Phoenix, Issues 60 and 61, (Pheiffer University Literary Journal)
Heron Clan VI, VII, and VIII, (Katherine James Books)

04 November 2021

Elijah, 13 years, texted me this poem he wrote a bit ago and granted me permission to share with you:

Where the sidewalk ends is where the journey ends

Where the gold grass grows and the street just bends

Saying bye to all the people that you’ve ever met

Saying bye to all the bad things like pain violence and debt

As you walk down this road there is a feeling of sorrow

As you walk down you feel that there might be no tomorrow

But as all the bad things disappear

Life just might be no more here

So I guess without good there’s no bad

And without happy there’s no sad

People benefit from each other’s downfall

So anything you do can be someone’s end all be all

Now I don’t want to say that there’s nothing good

With so many people happy yeah you wish I could

While life is good for some, it might be bad for others 

Some people even have to lose brothers

The world isn’t perfect no human is either

Sometimes life can just be a brain fever

So here’s a message out to everyone;

Stay safe, live life, and just have fun.

© 2021     Elijah Potter

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Photo credit:  patrick-tomasso-5hvn-2WW6rY-unsplash

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