This blog features portions of my not yet published poems.

why write?

I have to write what I hear in my head, what I dream in my sleep, what my bones ache to express.

My poems tell stories of strength, love, regret, disobedience, loss, hope, redemption, and whatever whispers.

—Cindy B. Stevens

Longleaf Press publication

A Path to Freedom –
A North Carolina Anthology in Honor of Military Veterans
two of my poems are included in this Anthology:
“no return war”
November 2024.

My first collection of poetry, Naked, is available at:

This collection is also available at two local bookstores:

Purple Crow Books, Hillsborough, NC

The Regulator Bookshop, Durham, NC

More of my poems appear in:

The Phoenix, Issues 60 and 61, (Pheiffer University Literary Journal)
Heron Clan VI, VII, and VIII, (Katherine James Books)

31 May 2019

I do not sing of you

Frequently, when I’m falling asleep or when words wake me in the middle of the night (and it’s really good stuff, sometimes), I think I’ll remember this really good stuff, because it’s reallygood. Ha.  Never happens.

I’ve learned that I have to get up and write this stuff down. The first stanza of “I do not sing of you” is about this lack of sleep process:

my pillow and I are stuck in sleep
when words begin to gather
they yearn to be you, so I write them down
else forevermore they’ll be gone

© 30 July 2018
Cindy B. Stevens

#Sleep #Pillow #Night#Asleep #BeWriting #AmWriting #BookLove #Bookworm #BookwormForLife #Dream #IloveWriting #LoveWriting #Inspiration #IGpoet #IGpoetry #Poet #Poetry #PoetryBlog #PoetLife #PoetryLover #WriterLife #WritersOfInstagram #WritersOfIG #WritersCommunity #WritersCorner #Wordsmith #WritersNetwork #Write #Writing

Photo credit:  bekah-russom-232003-unsplash

25 May 2019

fix my car

I’m working on my next poetry book, which will be a full length one.  My first chapbook, Naked, was published in April of 2018 and is available at Main Street Rag Publishing Company, Purple Crow Books in Hillsborough, NC, and The Regulator Bookshop in Durham, NC.

Here are a few lines from “fix my car”, which will appear in my full length poetry book:

I want to fix my car
I try to start
my alternator grinds
I can’t fix my car

my skin
cushions seat springs
so my upholstery doesn’t rip

my memories are a screechy old car door with rusty hinges
they hang on for dear life

© 4 March 2019
Cindy B. Stevens

#Memories #Alternator #Scars#Rust #BeWriting #AmWriting #BookLove #Bookworm #BookwormForLife #Dream #IloveWriting #LoveWriting #Inspiration #IGpoet #IGpoetry #Poet #Poetry #PoetryBlog #PoetLife #PoetryLover #WriterLife #WritersOfInstagram #WritersOfIG #WritersCommunity #WritersCorner #Wordsmith #WritersNetwork #Write #Writing

Photo credit:  fancycrave-252342-unsplash

19 May 2019

the prize

Here’s a portion of my poem, “the prize”:

I hang by a tab on the collar
of my red corduroy jacket

my hat is a layer of dust
I’m crowded with my stuffed friends

the hawker pulls my woolly sheep friend
places him in the arms of a black haired little girl with cotton candy stuck
in her hair

the carnival rides on music
and chicken on a stick

the contestants hit their marks
my eyes search for an eager face, but

© 3 November 2018
Cindy B. Stevens

#Prize #Carnival #Home #CottonCandy#BeWriting #AmWriting #BookLove #Bookworm #BookwormForLife #Dream #IloveWriting #LoveWriting #Inspiration #IGpoet #IGpoetry #Poet #Poetry #PoetryBlog #PoetLife #PoetryLover #PoetsLife #WritersLife #WritersOfInstagram #WritersOfIG #WritersCommunity #WritersCorner #Wordsmith #WritersNetwork #Write #Writing

Photo credit:  casey-horner-651241-unsplash

13 May 2019


I’m guilty of actions or thoughts that cause me to realize I sometimes don’t recognize myself.  No other details here; I’ll just share the first stanza from “posterity”:

I don’t know me
or recognize where I walk
a face watches beside me
I turn to smile
she has turned away

© 11 November 2018
Cindy B. Stevens

#Posterity #Forget #Guilty #Recognize #BeWriting #AmWriting #BookLove #Bookworm #BookwormForLife #Dream #IloveWriting #LoveWriting #Inspiration #IGpoet #IGpoetry #Poet #Poetry #PoetryBlog #PoetLife #PoetryLover #WriterLife #WritersOfInstagram #WritersOfIG #WritersCommunity #WritersCorner #Wordsmith #WritersNetwork #Write #Writing

Photo credit:  faye-cornish-553422-unsplash

07 May 2019

infant casket

Here are a few lines from “infant casket” where I try to convey feelings as my husband and I rode through the cemetery gates for our infant daughter’s graveside service:

two men carry a princess through the crowd

she wears her only pink dress

my groundskeeper carries a ladder

I gaze over my manicured hedge


a wild rose that doesn’t belong to me

© 11 November 2018
Cindy B. Stevens

#Daughter #Princess #Covet#WildRose #BeWriting #AmWriting #BookLove #Bookworm #BookwormForLife #Dream #IloveWriting #LoveWriting #Inspiration #IGpoet #IGpoetry #Poet #Poetry #PoetryBlog #PoetLife #PoetryLover #WriterLife #WritersOfInstagram #WritersOfIG #WritersCommunity #WritersCorner #Wordsmith #WritersNetwork #Write #Writing

Photo credit:  Cindy B. Stevens

01 May 2019

forgive me

I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know when I say it’s hard to watch a loved one die.  I wrote a poem about some of my thoughts after my father’s death.  It’s different from what I usually write.  Here are some snippets from “forgive me”:

you asked was there anything I needed to talk about
before you left

when I was a kid
I waited for you to come home

one time you were gone so long
I forgot what you looked like

I felt alone in that hospital room and you were asleep
I couldn’t ask you to forgive me when I pushed
your morphine button

twenty-one guns sing in your garden
Taps sound

red blood blossoms stain the ground
scattered like lonely regrets

© 17 July 2018
Cindy B. Stevens

#Forgive #Taps #Regret #Morphine#BeWriting #AmWriting #AmEditing #BookLove #Bookworm #BookwormForLife #Dream #IloveWriting #LoveWriting #Inspiration #IGpoet #IGpoetry #Poet #Poetry #PoetryBlog #PoetLife #PoetryLover #WriterLife #WritersOfInstagram #WritersOfIG #WritersCommunity #WritersCorner #Wordsmith #WritersNetwork #Write #Writing #HillsboroughNC

Photo credit:  oziel-gomez-527752-unsplash