This blog features portions of my not yet published poems.

why write?

I have to write what I hear in my head, what I dream in my sleep, what my bones ache to express.

My poems tell stories of strength, love, regret, disobedience, loss, hope, redemption, and whatever whispers.

—Cindy B. Stevens

Longleaf Press publication

A Path to Freedom –
A North Carolina Anthology in Honor of Military Veterans
two of my poems are included in this Anthology:
“no return war”
November 2024.

My first collection of poetry, Naked, is available at:

This collection is also available at two local bookstores:

Purple Crow Books, Hillsborough, NC

The Regulator Bookshop, Durham, NC

More of my poems appear in:

The Phoenix, Issues 60 and 61, (Pheiffer University Literary Journal)
Heron Clan VI, VII, and VIII, (Katherine James Books)

14 January 2021

March moon

I’ve never met Jeannette Stiteler, a talented photographer, who lives in Syracuse, NY.  I used to live in Syracuse, where we had lots of snow, and walked to school down sidewalks with 3 feet of snow on either side.  Really.  This is not some fictional tale told to proclaim hardship.

Jeannette is my cousin, Roxanne Graham’s, husband, Paul’s, sister.  I had fun writing that sentence and hope the grammar is correct.  We became acquainted through Paul’s weekly email to family and friends, sent every Sunday evening for many years.  She’s also a faithful follower of my poetry.


In 2009, Jeannette asked a couple of us to submit our version of a poem for her photograph.  Even though it’s not yet time for a March moon, it’s a time for hope, so I want to share Jeannette’s photograph wrapped with my poem, March moon:

been having hints of spring pop up

but still a few reminders

that winter isn’t over yet

although we shouldn’t mind it

with sentries watching in the woods

amidst the fallen snow

and March moon gazing over all

as sap begins to flow


© 12 March 2009

Cindy B. Stevens


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Photo credit:  Jeannette Stiteler

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